About me
I'm a full-stack software engineer hailing from Brazil, with experience building end to end applications in Elixir, NextJs and React. I love everything related to software engineering, be it frontend, backend, databases, devops or game dev.
I'm really passionate about diving deep into problems and solving them, specially related to scalability and performance, that is my specialty and I hope it can be useful to you.
Book recommendations
- Designing Data Intensive Applications
- The Art of Computer Programming
- Concurrent Data Processing in Elixir
- The Coding Career Handbook
- The Pragmatic Programmer
Non-career related facts about me
- I play the electric guitar, mostly metal music like Rhapsody, Angra or Blind Guardian.
- I love reading fantasy and science fiction, my favorite series is The Wheel of Time and my favorite author is Brandon Sanderson.
- My favorite game of all time is Elden Ring .
- I fight Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.